Monday 31 December 2007

Idelaism Vs Stupidity

The day Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, I was speaking to a friend of mine. her first reaction was "Is this what happens to people who stand up for what they believe in? " The next reaction I got was "Shocking, isnt it? " Not really I thought. What was really shocking was another thought I heard in one of the many coridoors of my work place. "She knew she was going to die if she returned to Pakistan. I think she was plain stupid."

Made me wonder, is it really stupid to be an idealist. Well Benazir I will not defend, though I would love to. There is always a slight element of doubt when politics is involved. Was it geneuine concern and love for one's country or is it power hunger.

But what I find exceedingly remarkable is that most people also think it is dumb to follow your ideals if it involves any injury to your body. Of course, we do commend the guy who tried protecting a helpless girl on the road, and was stabbed by a miscreant. But we do stop our daughters from standing up to a guy who eve teased her friend on the way to college. We do stop our husbands from protecting an old man who is being roughed up by a bunch of hooligans.

I have given up relationships for my ideals. I have given up comfort and ease for my ideals. I am willing to believe I will give up my life for my ideals. You think I am stupid? You think I will not. I think I will. And anyway, this is my life, if its not me who choses how I live and how I die, who will?