Sunday 6 January 2008

The India and Australia spat.

We just lost the second test match in Sydney. Captain Kumble said on TV, "Everybody knows why we lost." It was a composed, matter-of-fact statement. How it could it not be matter of fact? Technology has indeed revolutionalized the way the world works.

It is, therefore, fantastic how Benson and Bucknor have passed the judgments! I am amused beyond words. Did they really think they could get away with more than a million people watching them, a thousand channels broadcasting them, and of course, not to forget the cricketing fraternity itself! I mean c'mon, you can definitely not be that dim witted. Or are you?

Or is it a certain cockiness that says "We can get away with what we want."....I have a feeling you won't. Not this time...And if you still do, you haven't won. Because unfortunately, you have already been branded bad sport.

I cannot help smiling again when I think how insecure the 'greatest cricketing team' must be to take to tactics like this in a desperate bid to win India. (I mean if Aishwarya Rai poisons my drink before participating in a beauty contest with me, I would think I have already won! ) Mr. Ponting, are you sure you think India can only win 20-20s? Why am I not so sure suddenly?

I am glad India went down under. We now know who ICC needs to remove from the umpiring bench. We also know that Kumble's boys instilled fear in the host team's minds. We know our dear Bhajji was a threat enough to be played around dirty tricks with.

We might have lost one series, but have won the game!

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