Wednesday 16 July 2008

True love?

Our world today is obsessed with 'True love.' How true, though, IS true love. How many times have we been with somone and thought they were our soulmates, but things didn't work out and we ended up with some one else. Who is to define who your real soulmate is? And really, is eternal love dependent on circumstance, rather than emotion?

Some connections are instant, and feel just right. But there is one tiny aspect that does not make it perfect. It maybe long distance, it maybe a difference in life goals,....and we let go. Then comes along somebody else and the circumstances are just perfect. The connection might not be as strong the first time, but with time, the bond grows...and we name it our true love.

In this trial and error way of dating, while we are constantly looking for mates to be our companions for life, we meet new people everyday. A 'Serendipity' does not happen to everyone. All of us are witnesses to such incidents when we met someone, there was that spark, there was the chance..the chance of it turning into love. But, it didnt happen. And Years later, a memory comes back to us and we can only sigh and say, "If only.........."

Life is full of relationships that are waiting to happen, of relationships that could have happened. Is the only distingusihng factor between a relationship and true love, whether it worked out or not? Why has love come to be an end, and not the process, the experience, it is?

Monday 14 July 2008


Happiness they say, is the latest to join the 'Quotient' bandwagon. That is to say, the newest parameter of judging a person, in a quantifiable form, is the Happiness Quotient or 'HQ' as it is lovingly (or lazily) called.

Of course, the usual questions have been asked. Is it possible to quantify something as qualitative as happiness. And even, if it can be, is it not relative? The sight of a decadent chocolate cake can make me happy (so totally!) , and the person in front of me in the queue taking it, can make me sad. But of course, when we think about it, these are all questions that can be answered easily, so I will not dwell on them. Anyway, I digress.

The more important thought that passed my mind was this: Is it really our choice to be happy? I've heard that it is. All motivational speakers say that at least. Fortunately, I haven't been through a major depression since I read this quotation. So, therefore, that is why, I will not be able to authenticate the authenticity this statement. But yes, I have had those 'blue days', and yes, I have managed to make myself happy on those days! True story.

There are bigger questions though. If it's true, why aren't all of us happy? If everybody realises this now, will the world become happier? (A recent survey proved that most Earthlings are happier today than they were in decades... I digress again.) These are questions I have no answers to.

What I have realised now though, is that happiness is, indeed, a choice we make. Sometimes, it is as simple as moving our focus on to something new. Something different and challenging. Sometimes, it is about spending some time with ourselves, alone. Sometimes, it is as simple as eating a bar of chocolate! So am I saying that doing all this will ensure happiness? No, I am saying that deciding you will be happy, will make you happy.

You don't believe me? Try it out yourself the next time you are low.