Monday 9 January 2012

Reading challenge

I love reading.

And that would be an understatement. Let's just say I am a book whore. I love the printed black words, and as long as I can remember, I have been in love with them... Remember hiding my novels between my school books, and reading them late at night, or boiling over quite a few cups of tea, lost in a book, and the tea overflowing onto the stove.

And inspite of this several years old love affair, the sparks aren't even close to dying.
So, I am setting myself a reading challenge. Having picked up this bookmark at the airport bookstore (Yes, I have a Kindle, and yes, I am still fascinated by bookmarks... Something of a romantic old world charm, if you must know.), I've now decided to read at least 10 of these books that apparently are 'Must reads.'

Highly subjective, I find these lists (which miraculously appear all over the net, around Dec 31st) mostly contain a mix of the editor's personal choice and the classics. Anyway, having had already read almost half that list, I am now looking forward to reading 10 (if not more) this year.

For all my curious book worm friends, the list is:

Lord of the Rings series (JRR Tolkien)
1984 (george Orwell)
Pride and prejudice (Jane Austen)
The grapes of wrath (John Steinback)
To kill a mocking bird (Harper Lee)
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)
A passage to India (EM Forster)
The Lord of the Flies (William Golding)
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
A bend in the river (VS Naipaul)
The Great Gatsby (Scott Fitzgerald)
Catcher in the Rye (JD Salinger)
The Bell jar (Sylvia Piath) 
Brave new World (Aldous Huxley)
The Diary of Anne Frank (Anne Frank)
Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes)
The Bible 
the Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer) 
Ulysses (James Joyce)
The Quiet American (Graham Greene)
Birdsong (Sebastian Faulke)
Money (Martin Amis)
Harry potter Series (Rowling)
Moby Dick (Herman Melville)
Wing in the Willows (Kenneth Grahams)
His Dark Materials triology (Philip Pullman) 
Anna Kareina ( Leo Tolstoy)
Alice's adventure in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
Rebecca (Daphne Du Maurier)
The Curious Incident of the dog in the night time (Marc Haddon) 
On the road (Jack Karousc)
Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad) 
The way we live now (Anthony Troliope)
The outsider (Albert Camus)
The colour purple (Alice Walker) 
The life of Pi (Yann Martel)
Frankestein (Mary Shelly)
The war of the worlds (HG Well)
Men without Women (Ernest hemingway)
Gullivers Travels (Jonathan Swift)
A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens)
Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)
Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Deloe)
One flew over the cuckoo's nest (Ken Kessey)
Catch 22 (joseph Haller)
The count of Monte Christo (Alexandre Dumas)
Memoirs of a geisha (Arthur Golden)
The Divine comedy (Alighieri Dante)
The picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)

Which ones are you gonna polish off?

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