Tuesday 16 October 2012

Happy birthday to me!

That sums up pretty well how I felt exactly a week ago.

It was my b’day and, to tell you the truth, I had an amazing one this year. From dinners, to brunches, to high teas. From gifts to personal emails to calls from all over the world. I was surprised, I was pampered, I was loved. I was made to feel special, and I loved every minute of it. 

Bdays, in general, make me absurdly happy!! They are my SPECIAL'EST day.. I wait for them all year round, and am inexplicably happy. For not just that day, but the entire week. 

And in my own silly romantic way I want it to be a special day for not just me, but for all the people close to me. I am happy and I want to share my piece of happiness with you. I want to love you and be loved… 

A bunch of flowers on my b’day mean more to me than diamond jewellery the week after. A small gesture, a hug - an indication you care.

That’s all it takes.

But it's now time for return gifts. A huge Thanks to all my friends. ...And this is where words fail me. 

Thanks for remembering me, cherishing me, loving me and caring for me. I truly believe I have the best.

Thanks for for the laughs we shared and the scandals we created, for the impromptu chats and the international calls, for the text to say you're thinking of me, for carrying me through my moments of pain and despair.

Thanks for being there.

I love you all. 


Mrinalini said...

You're worth it, as Ash aunty would say! :)


It's only words... said...

I have no idea who Ash aunty is, but I like her already..
And so are you. Love you girl! :)