Tuesday 11 December 2012

Hiking the Blue Mountains


I love hiking. It's my equivalent of a 'Zen' moment. I am never alone when out walking. It calms me, it relaxes me... It makes me feel insignificant. It makes me feel grateful. 

My favourite day out would be to pack a picnic lunch, go on a long hike, read by a river, watch the sun set and lie gazing at the stars. The romance of being in a forest is unmissable - the smell of the trees, the sounds of the birds, the feeling of exploring the unknown, and being so close to nature fills me with wonder and leaves me with a smile on my lips, and a glow on my face. Yes, I love am hopelessly in love with hiking. 

So, when chatting with a friend, reminded me of this email I'd sent some friends a few years back, I figured I needed to share this. Nostalgia flooded and I decided to publish it. So here you go, guys. One of my favourite places, doing on of my favourite things to do. 

This is one of those things I just HAD to write about. Crazy fun. No logic. Great company (read 'myself.') So, here's how it happened:

With exactly 3 days left in Australia, I decided I needed to do one more hike in the rainforests around Sydney. With most of the locales I chose about 3 hours train ride from Sydney, I decided to go back to Blue Mountains. It was slightly raining in Sydney, and I kind of had an idea that up in the mountains, the weather would be worse. But well, I had woken up and decided I wanted to do it, so went ahead. Geared in my sweater and jacket, I reached the station. The train from Town Hall reached Central at 9:18 and I was told I had exactly 3 minutes to get onto the train to the Blue mountains. In perfect filmy style, I ran up the stairs onto Platform 13. In one split second, I saw the raised hand of the guard heard the "Doors closing. Please stand...." A cinematographer would put me in slow motion as I ran into the train car and the doors slid shut behind me.

Now sure that I was destined to do this hike, I sat down enjoying the view. Reaching Katoomba, the weather was predictably cold and foggy. It started raining by the time I reached the Information Center and my jeans were wet. Indecision and doubts started swirling in my head, much like the fog outside. I realised that the more difficult the circumstances became, the more stubborn I got. I just had to do it now!

Reaching the Information Center, I decided on the Echo Point Hike. It takes one down the Giant Stairway about 1000 steps, and then across the rainforest for another 3 kms, before moving up the 1100 steps beside a series of cascades. All pumped up I started descending the steel stairs. My knees started wobbling by the time I reached the end of the stairs and was thinking why exactly was I doing it, when I looked up at the forest. Water dripping from the trees, the forest floor covered with lichen, fog around the branches of the trees, the whole atmosphere created a mystery and a romance that left an indelible impression on my mind. As I started walking, I felt a happiness for no reason. High on life, is what I was.

I crossed several tiny creeks that were swollen now with the rains. I jumped over fallen branches. I inhaled the fresh crisp autumn air. For the briefest second, the sun came out. It felt like I was in the theater, and several spotlights had been turned on, all at once. Light sieved through the leaves, and the fog seemed to vanish. I almost forgot to breathe! To add to the climax, a lyre bird appeared out of nowhere and hopped into one of the under growths. I watched the magnificence of the forest unfold before me, dumbstruck!

Taking a few moments to capture the memory on the film of my mind, I moved on. Soon, I reached the Leura forest which had some shelter. Stopping there, I had a picnic with Vitamin Water and Chocolate Muffin. The water had seeped into my bag by now. My jeans were weighing a ton. Taking all the practical measures, I secured my camera, and rolled up my jeans. The half inch of water in my soggy shoes could not be helped. So, I walked on towards the Stairway that would take me up.

The first cascade I reached was Margherita Falls. It allowed me just a sneak view of the falls through the trees. Just enough to see it, and wanting to see more. I wandered a little off the trail until I could fully catch the majesty of the high falls. Climbing the steps in bouts of a 100 each, made it simpler. Not to forget the constant view of waterfalls and overhanging cliffs. I lose count of the number of times, I took one turn and beheld a totally different view from what I had seen a second before. Light and rain played tricks as I watched the magic.

Finally, I almost reached the top of the stairs, and the trees cleared. The heavy fog returned, and through the fog, I saw a cafe. Entering it, I ordered a hot chocolate. The friendly lady chatted with me as I dipped my marshmallow into the chocolate and dried my soaking clothes. Time was soon up and I left the warm cafe and started towards the train station.

Next day, I could not help smiling as I woke up. I closed my eyes again and relived the forest. The Romance of being there.  Reality struck, as my thighs groaned when I stepped out of the bed...

So there you go. Now you know what makes me tick. 

Go, do this yourself. Find a track to walk on - by the beach, in the forest or just in your city. Take detours, sit under a tree. Disconnect from the world, and connect with yourself. 

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